
The Blue Safari Diving Center is one of the more professional outfits in green island.


One of the larger operators

No.72 Gongguan Village,
Green Island, Taiwan 951
Phone: 89 671888

Contact: info
Agency: PADI



In Blue Safari Diving Center, we not only have Recreational Diving
Activities service, but also have Technical Diving Activities service.
With our PADI instructors, we also have Training courses for all
divers and none-divers, including PADI Instructor course, EFR, PADI
Nitrox Diver course, Technical Diver courses, and etc.We have
classroom, studio facility to support our need of training, so that we
can work all year around to training divers and none-divers to enjoy
the underwater world. We also provide Free Internet service,
international Diving Travel Service, local traffic booking and pick-up,
and special and relax accommodation service to let you enjoy the life
in Green Is

For more information contact directly