One of those rare creatures scuba divers are keen to spot.. yup its that time of year again… it’s their mating season so the Flamboyant Cuttlefish are about.. try to get a glimpse before they are gone till next season.

They had been spotted down south over the last month, and now they are appearing up north.

We heard of a couple being spotted last weekend so this weekend we headed to LongDong Bay (85.7K), Taiwan (龍洞灣).

Amazingly we saw 3 flamboyant cuttlefish on the first dive in Longdong Bay, Taiwan 龍洞灣, one just as soon as we submerged and the other pair as we were ending the dive. All at around 10M depth.

Scuba divers have reported spotting others from Secret Garden (89.2k), Bat Cave (74.8k), 82.5k, Bitou harbor all the way around to the Fulong area..