Bat cave or BianFuDong (蝙蝠洞公園) is a fairly popular site with dive shops during the summer months as it has a large grassy area providing room for changing and resting between dives. It also has a car park where you can normally find a space, while not getting as busy as more popular sites like Longdong or Secret Garden.

It is suitable for beginners, has an easy entry and reaches depth of 18m about 100m from shore, depth can increase to 20m if you head further out.

The site consists of a reef edge extending at 30° into the ocean with a sandy bottom on one side and reef on the other. This makes for a fairly straight forward site to navigate. It also provides sandy bottom at a suitable depth for students to practice skills.

Current is generally low, with the reef protecting divers shielding them from currents from the E/NE.