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Fun Divers tw is running a 5 day, 4 night trip to Palau, Micronesia on October 20th to October 24th 2016. Palau is a world renown diving destination providing a luxury diving experience with its deep blue skies, picturesque landscapes and its stunning undersea marine life.

Registration: Until July 15th, minimum 10 divers
Contact Fun Divers tw directly by phone or in person at their shop.
Deposit: NTD10,000

Cost: ??
Includes: 4 nights accommodation, travel insurance, transfers, meals, 8 dives + snorkeling at jellyfish lake, free nitrox, Palau diving tax, weights, flights Taipei>Palau>Taipei, airport tax.

10/20 Transasia GE766 Taipei- Palau 1330-1830
10/24 Transasia GE765 Palau - Taipei 1930-2230

Highlights include:
– Jellyfish Lake which is a sensory experience

– Blue hole which boasts a unique underwater topography, when the light shines down from the hole it forms a beautiful beam of blue common to see humphead wrasse, yellow fin tuna, wrasse parrot, barracuda, Jackfish, white tip sharks, gray reef sharks and other large fish

– Rock islands dive sites, with Manta ray cleaning station, sharks and other fish, common to see white tip sharks, eagle rays.

– Helmet wreck which remains from World War II.

– Siaes tunnel common to see turtle, Jackfish, white tip sharks, grouper, snapper.

– Chandelier cave to enjoy the stalactites and unicorn fish habitat.

Palau Blue Hole

日期:10/20 (四) – 10/24(一)





1. 來回機票.
2. 四晚住宿(兩人一室)四星級帛琉大飯店
3. 每日早餐,午餐,晚餐x2.
4. 潛水8支,水母湖浮潛
5. 高氧免費使用.
6. 裝備租借
7. 帛琉機場至飯店來回接送.
8. 帛琉機塲離境環保稅.
9. 旅平險

* 額外之餐費與娛樂費用請自理
備註: 潛水員務必攜帶潛水證照,流鉤及浮力袋

航班資訊 Flight Detail:
10/20 復興航空 GE766 台北 - 帛琉 1330-1830
10/24 復興航空 GE765 帛琉 - 台北 1930-2230

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